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May 2024 Newsletter

Updated: Jun 24

Holy Spirit blowing -- Can you feel the Wind?


 We've moved forward from the Gospels to the book of Acts (sequel to Luke). We're pretty familiar with the Pentecost event, the Spirit blowing through the Apostles so that they could be understood by people from a long list of almost unpronounceable places. The part that's sticking in my ear this year is Acts 3: 19-21 (NRSV). Peter is talking about Jesus' ascension and states that he is in heaven until


the time of universal restoration that God announced long ago through the prophets.


I love the idea of universal restoration. Its describes a very different future than "the day of JUDGEMENT! For some reason many people insist the verdict of God's judgement is condemnation, instead of mercy. Universal restoration has no hint of hell.


The Holy Spirit, Our advocate, is blowing us toward a future of universal restoration. Who wouldn't want to travel in that breeze?

Moving Forward

natural examples of moving forward in nature

If you've read this month blog you know that we've hit a couple of obstacles in our forward movement. That's not unusual. Whether its a personal change, or a congregational one, there will be obstacles, the trick is learning how to work through them so they don't make a mess of the future. Read this month's blog to see how that 's going for us.

If you missed the first part of this story, you can catch up here.

If the wind is blowing through your congregation, and you'd like a bit of support, check out these Free Resources.

Free Workshop to help you go with the Spirit without too much resistance.

inspiring constructive change - living the resurrection

Appreciative Inquiry is a proven change strategy that helps us follow where the Holy Spirit is moving, without causing too much backlash in the congregation. This workshop will teach you how to use this powerful strategy.


During this workshop we’ll work as if we're in the same congregation so we can practice moving through the four stages of the strategy: Initiate, Inquire, Imagine, and Innovate. 


By the end of the workshop, participants will understand how to use the principles and strategy of appreciative inquiry to motivate their congregation toward something new.


The online workshop is in two parts and offered in morning or afternoon times slots (times are according to Pacific Daylight Time -- do the time zone math so you know when it will start in your zone.).

10:00 – 11:30 am Thursday,

May 16 (part 1) and May 23rd (part 2)


4:00-5:30pm Thursday

May 16 (part 1) and May 23rd (part 2).

Click the button below to learn more about this opportunity.

Click the button below to register for either the morning or afternoon online workshop. Register both parts (1 and 2) of your session (morning or afternoon).

It's Synod Assembly Season!

If you're in the Southwest California or Sierra Pacific Synods -- come say "Hi!" Pastor Marj will be at our booth in the assembly vendors area and would love to meet you! Also -- there will be candy. Chocolate candy.

New Workbook!!

Perfect Resource for your Council or Leadership Retreat!

living the resurrection branding for beyond the bulletin

One way to block the movement of the Spirit is with a communication strategy that, unintentionally but effectively, leaves people out.


Whether you want your congregation to work toward something new, or just participate in a good old annual meeting --- communication is key. We often think we are doing all we can, after all, we use our bulletins, newsletters and even make announcements. Why do people still complain that they didn't know anything about it? Find out why and learn how to over come this obstacle.

Click the button below to learn more about this resource.


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