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May 2023 Newsletter

Updated: Mar 11

Who says small and scrappy congregations can't do bit things? Not me! Of the 10 congregations working their way through our 18-month Congregational Vitality process - 8 of them are small. But that hasn't held them back one bit. I'm so proud of these congregations! They are committed to building relationships with their neighbors. This process is intense and includes homework after every workshop. They are doing it! Thank you, God, for the faithfulness of your servants in these ten congregations.


To find out more about the Congregational Vitality Process click the button below. 

To learn more about how to motivate a team and build momentum for change in a congregation read this month's free resource. 

But, they said...

Latest blog: From change agent to motivator.

There's a big difference between "we know we need to change" and actually wanting to change. Read more to find out how to help your congregation make that transition.

Click the button to read the latest blog.

And now there are two!  

Last month I started something new -- and this month I kept it up! There are now two documents on the free resource page of the website. Each one has a few pages of theory and then a concrete way to put the theory into action. Last month's was on Leading Change, and this month is on Motivating Change. I hope they support your work!

Please share this resource with your congregation or synod.

Difficult Decisions Survey

I'm hearing that congregations are stuck. The plans they made a couple of years ago seem ridiculous and they don't know what to do instead. I want to develop a process to help them make difficult decisions.


Thank you to those who have already filled out this survey. AND even bigger THANK YOU to those who agreed to chat with me about it. I could use more input, so if you have a few moments-- please click on the survey and fill it out

Are you going to be in Phoenix this summer for the Rostered Leaders Gathering? Me too!!  I’ll be offering two workshops:


A 75-minute workshop called

Hopeful Frustration: Listening to Emotions


and a 3 hour workshop titled

Hopeful Frustration: A Practical Process.


You know it will be WAY TOO HOT to go outside – so stay cool and attend my workshop!  Once you’ve experienced Hopeful Frustration you can decide if it would be helpful to share in your context and we can book it for the Fall.

Don't forget to follow us on Social Media! 

we're kinda fun!


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