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May 2022 Newsletter

Updated: Mar 11

How to build on the hope in this "I'm Not Okay" moment. Part 1 of 2

I started by grappling with why it's so difficult to admit we are NOT okay.  I also wanted to offer support for folks who want to know what to do when someone finally does confess they are “medium rotten.” However, I got caught up in trying to find the intersection of our brain's biological bias toward the negative, our society's insistence on maintaining a positive attitude, and the impact of our denial defense mechanism. This two-part series is where I ended up, for now. It’s kind of a lot -- but I have some stories in there too, so it's not all theory. If you were part of a Finding Hope in Exhaustion conversation -- this may interest you.

Our Incredible Partnership!

Ever wonder how we got so lucky as to have a funding partner for our work in Pacifica and Southwest California Synods? It is an amazing thing! California Lutheran Homes and Community Services is a member of Lutheran Services in America. They see Living the Resurrection as a great way to help congregations love and serve their neighbors, so they offered to support us! Do you know of any LSA's that might support your synod in something similar? It's worth talking to them.

Watch the video below to learn more.

Two New Offerings for Summer and Beyond!


Mission Exploration Process

This process is for congregations at a critical juncture in their life together. Maybe they’re facing a difficult decision regarding property or staffing. Or they’re in transition between pastors. The Mission Exploration process is designed to equip congregations to make informed decisions about their future by helping them discern who they are in this moment and where God is leading them.


The six sessions include activities to fill in a SOAR assessment table. SOAR stands for Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results. The goal is to determine which Aspirations align with the current Strengths and Opportunities of the congregation: Which of our dreams are we most equipped to pursue?


Mission Exploration Training

What if you know that many congregations in your synod/diocese need such a process- but they can’t the cost? How about recruiting a team to train as Mission Exploration Process leaders for your jurisdiction? You and a team from your synod or diocese work with Rev. Dr. Marj Funk-Pihl to learn how to lead congregations through the process. Consider inviting another synod/diocese or two to join you and split the cost!


If you want to know more about either of these offerings, click the button below.

Question of the Year!


Where do you see a gap between your resources and what congregations need?  Is there something we could develop that would help you fill that gap?


Send me an email with your ideas!


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