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April 2023 Newsletter

Updated: Mar 11, 2024

Starting with Confession.

I'm not good at process.

When I want something to change -- I want it to change NOW. Patience is a virtue that I forgot to pick up.


I have learned, that if I patiently create a process and walk with folks through it, the change will come, and it will be better than I imagined. I learned a bit from my Dad...

If you want them to change, then...

Latest blog: What I learned from my Dad.

Click the button to read the latest blog.

I'm doing a new thing too!  

Starting this month, there will be a free resource added to each newsletter. My goal is for the resource to add to the theme of the blog. This month: Leading Change: Theory and Strategy adds to the story of my Dad to talk about how to build momentum for a change you want your congregation to consider. I hope it supports your work!

Please share this resource with your congregation or synod.

I'm hearing that congregations are stuck. The plans they made a couple of years ago -- seem ridiculous and they don't know what to do instead. I want to develop a process to help them make difficult decisions.


If you are hearing this too, or dealing with it in your own congregation, can you help me by answering a couple of questions?

Are you going to be in Phoenix this summer for the Rostered Leaders Gathering? Me too!! I’ll be offering two workshops:

A 75-minute workshop called

Hopeful Frustration: Listening to Emotions

and a 3 hour workshop titled

Hopeful Frustration: A Practical Process.

You know it will be WAY TOO HOT to go outside – so stay cool and attend my workshop! Once you’ve experienced Hopeful Frustration you can decide if it would be helpful to share in your context and we can book it for the Fall.

Don't forget to follow us on Social Media! 

we're kinda fun!


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