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September 2022 Newsletter

Updated: Mar 11

September 2 is the first anniversary of Living the Resurrection becoming a company! It’s been a year full of working with you to help congregations thrive in the bizarre times in which we live. I can’t imagine being on his journey with better colleagues: Thank you SO MUCH Conrad and Mike and my sponsoring partner Nancy Ackerman and California Lutheran Homes. But most of all-- Thanks to YOU! I appreciate the trust you put in us and that you are so willing to engage with Living the Resurrection! If you want to recommend us – to your friends and colleagues – that would be AWESOME!

Supporting Congregations in the Call Process?

Discover and Invite

After interviewing 12 synod staff (A2Bs and Bishops) I’ve learned quite a bit about the joys and struggles of supporting congregations through a call process. I can’t create more interim pastors, but I can help congregations write honest and compelling MSPs.  It’s a buyers’ market and a boring MSP can mean candidates pass a congregation by and choose to interview someplace else.    


In response, I am developing a toolkit for synods.  A few A2Bs promised to help me put the finishing touches on the kit. I hope to have it ready for you by October 1. 


Invite me to share it with you at Regional Consultation or whenever you gather to discuss the call process.


Click the button to learn more about it:

Want a New Way to Strengthen Congregations?

How about our

Congregational Vitality Process


Congregations are in an odd place. They learned a lot about themselves during the pandemic. They are more vital than they knew. They are more committed than they thought. They are also wondering how to move forward.


Now is the time to ramp up your thinking about starting our Congregational Vitality Process!  Fall is the time to begin advertising and recruiting congregations. The first workshop could happen in January or February. If you want to host a train-the-trainer event – the first session would be in early Fall – so that your team can learn how to recruit and advertise. Click the button to learn more!

Why do so few people respond when we put things in the bulletin and the newsletter and tell them from the front? his month's blog tackles a couple of the reasons. If you haven't read it yet - click the button below

Endorsement page


All the experts told me I needed to make a Testimonial – or Endorsement page.  The website, they all said,  should have a page where prospective clients could read glowing words about what we are doing.  I hesitated – for a year – but I did it.  You all made it easy, all I did was take a few of the kind things folks said in the feedback forms I used after workshops and conversations.  Check it out – maybe I used some of your words! 

Don't forget to follow us on Social Media! 

we're kinda fun!


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